Google #FortuneCookieChallenge
To celebrate the Year of the Dog, we invited 250 influencers worldwide to take part in the 38 Fortune Cookie Challenge.
Participants received a box containing 38 cookies, within which, we hid 8 things you can ask your Google Assistant about dogs. The contents of the cookies when paired from 1 to 8 then activates a special trick from the Google Assistant.
It’s a global race to see who can eat through the fortune cookies to discover the Google Assistant’s trick in the fastest time.
8 A1 Poster Design for #MadeWithAI Event that is displayed at every different AI product booth. From top left: Google Assistant, Google Photos, Google Translate x 2, Deep Dream Gallery, Quick, Draw!, AI Duet and Machine Learning Cookies.
This fun Lunar New Year campaign drove more than 750,000 views and fun unboxings from many influencers around the world.
Unboxing and Fortune Cookie Challenge videos and posts on YouTube and Instagram.