Personna Leadership Coaching
Book Cover, Brand Cards & Brand Book Design
I was given the assignment by Personna Leadership Coaching Company to create a 1. Book Cover Design 2. Brand Card Design 3. Brand Book templates for their clients who participated in their coaching workshop. Overall the brief was to make the design more fresh and modern yet looks good on social media.
Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design - Original approved design
Final Book Cover Design.
Old design of the book by the publishing company before final printing. Client ask me whether can I revamp this look.
Brand Card Design
Brief was to design 4 personal brand cards for Leadership Coaching workshop attendees and to make the design more up to date. One extra request was that the client would like to have templates so that their design side can adjust the text input. Instead of coming up with 4, my design solution was to have individual choose their favourite shape, colour and symbol that represent them because every individual is different. No two attendee at the workshop are cookie cutter shape thus I came up with a solution of 10 colours, 10 shapes, 10 symbol that can be picked up by the attendees via Google form after they decide their motto in life and what they are. Each personalised cards are a constant reminder of what is their personal brand and how they need constant reminder about their leadership uniqueness to succeed in this day, time and world.
Original Brand Card before design revamp
Final Design of Brand Card
After Leadership Coaching attendees complete their workshop and each of them will have a summary of their motto and a short write up of their 4P passion, purpose, power, prize. Via Google form, each of them will choose 1 colour, 1 shape and 2 icons that best represent them. After that, the brand card will be designed for each individual. To make things easy for the client, I have created many combination for them to mix and match for different attendees.
4 steps with choices for attendees to choose in Google Forms to produce their individual Brand Card design
Final output
Brand Book Design
Other than the personalised Brand Cards, attendees will have a Brand Book of themselves - it’s like a autobiography and yet a reminder of how far one has come and what lies in the future for the person. Similar to the Brand Card, this is a continue from the brand card with more in depth writing of the attendee.
This project was conceived in 2022/2023