Google #TranslateInABox
To celebrate the launch of Google Word Lens (real time image recognition translator feature in the Google Translate app) in Japanese and Korean, we sent out 100+ boxes filled with quirky items from both countries to social influencers in 17 countries around the world.
#TranslateInABox Luggage Box design in 3 categories - Generic, Food and Beauty boxes are sent to different influencers around the world.
All the text on the packaging and items were in Japanese or Korean, so the social influencers needed to use Google Word Lens to better understand the items inside. We have created 3 different set of boxes and design for respective influencers such as Generic (contains gadgets, food and beauty products), Food (contains interesting food and snacks items) and Beauty (contains fun and quirky beauty products). To make the Word Lens translation and activation more fun, we have created a gamification theme where influencers need to solve a puzzle of 3 questions to unlock a mystery box with the final prize. To solve the puzzle, influencers need to use Google Word Lens to scan every product and find out the actual meaning. The one who managed to get the right combination number will open the mystery box with the prize.
To add a little nice touch to this project, we have also illustrated personalized portrait cards and luggage tags for each influencers.
From left to right: A1 Poster, Customised luggage tags and instruction cards with the influencers illustrated portraiture. Congratulatory card.
The campaign generated with more than 100 unboxing videos on YouTube, FaceBook and FaceBook Live, Instagram and Instagram Stories, Twitter, local countries social platform and news platform. The social project was targeted for December 2017 to January 2018 but until today (April 2018), there are still videos and post being uploaded.
Translatable designed items.
Instagram and Insta stories post from influencers.
This project was conceptualize in March 2017 and took about 7 months to complete. This campaign is still ongoing.
Influencers created content on their YouTube channels.